राजकीय इंजीनियरिंग कॉलेज, अम्बेडकर नगर

Government Engineering College approved by AICTE & affiliated to Dr. APJAKTU, Lucknow. (College Code 737)


Civil engineering lab is provides challenges with quality, innovative testing products and on-going technical support. Our application specialists develop test system configurations that provide results you can use with confidence to evaluate your structural or material design problem. In cooperation with leading researchers, we design our testing products to be rugged and reliable for long life in the laboratory environment. We integrate these products into systems that provide many years of accurate test information. Civil engineering laboratory consist of following lab

  • Structure analysis lab
  • Geotechnical engineering lab
  • Transportation engineering lab
  • Environmental engineering lab
  • Computer aided engineering drawing lab
  • Cad lab
  • Surveying lab
  • Building material lab
  • Fluid mechanics lab&hydraulic lab